
Beirot: una estatua de remembre facha amb los degalhs de l’explosion

L’òbra es d’Hayat Nazer, una artista e activista libanesa

An dreiçat a Beirot una estatua en remembre de las victimas de la granda explosion del 4 d’agost passat, que daissèt environ 200 mòrts e mai de 6000 nafrats. Se tracta d’un monument que representa una femna amb lo pèl al vent a portar una bandièra libanesa amb quitament un relòtge al pè que marca 6h08, l’ora de l’explosion. L’estatua es facha sonque amb los tarcums de l’explosion: de veires brigalhats, de tròces de metal tòrses... L’òbra es d’Hayat Nazer, una artista e activista libanesa.
L’explosion se passèt quand Hayat Nazer èra sul camin de Beirot. Alavetz, coma tantes autres ciutadans, jonguèt los que trabalhavan per netejar los degalhs e restaurar la vila.
“Vesitèri las personas que lors ostals èran estats destruches per l’explosion e lor demandèri: «Vòli solament que me donetz tot çò que pòsca inclure per que fagatz partida de l’escultura». Foguèri suspresa de veire de causas tan presadas coma d’objèctes de lor enfança, de lors grands qu’èran mòrts dins la guèrra civila, de causas qu’eles volián servar per lors mainats. I aguèt tot plen d’emocions”, çò a explicat l’artista a CNN.

She will be leaving the port in few days, as I am worried some government protestors might burn or destroy her like they did to the #Phoenix of the #Revolution in Martyr Square... I have to protect her for now, but I wish to create a much bigger replica that would be long lasting and to be hopefully located at the port, carrying items from people’s homes, and souvenirs from the people we lost at the explosion, with their names and memories, to stay, for future generations to come and see what happened to us on the 4th of August 2020... A memorial, a tribute for all of us who are traumatized here, this is a transformative art that aims at acknowledging the truth and the pain, to preserve the memories, but also to regain strength and rise again from our own ashes, to fight for the truth, for our dreams and future... We will never forget, never forgive.. but we will rise, carrying our own wounds and stories yet spreading positivity and change all over the world wherever we go... Maybe through #Art we can make the #Change we wish to see in this #World - Thanks to everyone of you who encouraged and inspired me, my public art is a blend of myself and everyone around me  so much Love Photo credit by @eliebekhazi

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